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Use These Alternating Coil Methods for Kink, Twist, and Knot-Free Cables

Wrapping your cables is easy, but avoiding kinks, twists, and knots is a lot harder. The trick is to alternative the direction of the wrap, but that's really the sort of thing you have to learn visually. Fortunately, the London School of Sound offers up a video that demonstrates two ways to use the alternating coil method and keep your cables in top shape.

I was taught this technique in school, but I never fully grasped it until I watched this video. As we've shown before, it's actually a very simple technique of wrapping one way and then alternating. It's something you really have to see to grasp. Putting it into words would just make it confusing. But what this video offers beyond our original is a faster, second alternating method. It takes a bit more practice to master—I haven't quite gotten it down yet—but can save a lot of time both coiling and uncoiling your cables.

How to Coil Cables | YouTube via Reddit